May 23, 2023 | Stakingai

TCG2 Staking: Updates, Information and Troubleshooting

Latest Update 04–05–2024

What’s new?

We’ve refreshed the staking pools where you can deposit your TCG2 coins. The current pools are as follows.

  • 1-month Binance (BSC) $TCG2 pool
  • 3-month Binance (BSC) $TCG2 pool
  • 1-month Ethereum (ETH) $TCG2 pool
  • 3-month Ethereum (ETH) $TCG2 pool

The respective old pools are now expired so please un-stake your coins. Please be mindful of ETH gas fees when staking and unstaking $ethTCG2 coins.

Staking is available on the TCG World Website here: staking

Staking Basics

Staking is a simple way for you to earn more TCG2. When you stake your TCG2 coins, you’re essentially ‘depositing’ them into a digital pool for a fixed period of time. Once the time is finished, you may unstake your original deposit and get your earnings.

The staking pools we may offer have different timeframes and benefits:

  1. 1-Month Pool: Stake your coins for one month, with custom returns and rewards locked until the end. Max Stake of 250,000 per wallet.
  2. 3-Month Pool: Stake for three months and receive a minimum 8% yearly return (APR), with rewards locked until the end.
  3. 6-Month Pool: Stake for half a year, again with a minimum 8% yearly return (APR), but you can claim your rewards any time.
  4. 12-Month Pool: For a year-long commitment, you receive a minimum 10% yearly return (APR) and can claim your rewards anytime.

The minimum amount you can stake in each pool is 500 TCG2.

Please note the APR is a minimum of the above-mentioned percentages and adjusts depending on the total amount of TCG2 staked in a pool. The APR will be higher when a pool is not at its maximum capacity. Conversely, as more coins fill up the pool, the APR will naturally decrease.

Remember, once you stake your TCG2 coins, they are ‘locked’ for the duration you’ve chosen, and you’ll collect your rewards at the end of this period, or in the case of the 6 and 12-month pools, whenever you want. Each pool has a countdown timer, so set your calendar or pay attention to TCG’s socials to know when to unstake!

Withdrawing from expired pools will automatically harvest your rewards.

Here is a helpful video from our own PJ Krypto!


Here are a few simple steps to help you out if you’re having trouble finding or unstaking your staked coins:

Please Log In: Make sure you are logged into your TCG World account and your wallet is connected. Staking is only available for those with TCG World accounts.

Refresh Wallet: If you’re not seeing your coins upon visiting the staking page, try disconnecting and reconnecting your wallet.

Use Filters: At the top of the staking section, there are filters you can use to help you find your coins. The most important one is the “My Staked Pools” option. You can also filter by BSC and ETH, and Active and Expired Pools.

Load More Button: The latest expired staking pools can be found by scrolling to the bottom and clicking the ‘Load More’ Button.

Use a PC or Laptop: Certain mobile devices seem to have issues with the staking site. Please use a PC or a Laptop if you’re having trouble on a mobile device.

Clear Cache and Browser Refresh: Not seeing your staked TCG2? Try clearing your browser cache and refreshing the page. If that doesn’t work, disconnect your wallet, close the tab, clear cache, open a new tab, reconnect your wallet, and refresh.

Helpful Link: How to Clear Your Browser Cache

Make Sure Your Wallet Is Up To Date: Trust Wallet especially updates often. A simple update may solve your issue.

Trust Wallet Browser: Currently the Trust Wallet Browser is not supported. Please use Wallet Connect via a PC/Laptop. Recommended browsers: Chrome, Firefox and Brave.

Trust Wallet Tip: Clearing Cache on TW may help as well. Go to Settings-Preferences-DApp Browser-Clear Browser Cache, Hit Ok.

Reach Out on Telegram: Need more help? Join us on Telegram! But be aware: TCG Team members won’t message you first. Anyone who does could be a scammer. Always message first and stay safe! Click Here To Join.

Helpful Information:

Here are the contract addresses for TCG2:

  • BSC Contract: 0xF73d8276C15Ce56b***eE5920e62F767A7f3aEA
  • ETH Contract: 0x0d31DF7dedd78649***4aAe62D99CcB23aBCC3A5A

To monitor the recent activity of your TCG2, you can use or Simply input your wallet address into the search bar and you’ll be able to see the latest transactions involving your TCG2.

What is TCG World?

TCG World is an online open world virtual gaming experience where players can earn TCG Coin 2.0, gather NFT collectibles, own virtual real estate, create, explore the game world, control their own online businesses, or just have fun. TCG World introduces a new approach to NFTs making it more than just a piece of art — now players can take their NFTs into the gaming world and play. Everything a player owns in the metaverse is an NFT — real estate, vehicles, pets, trophies and even player avatars.

Please Follow TCG World on Social Media!


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