August 22, 2023 | Stakingai

Quicksilver Enables Liquid Staking for SOMM

Liquid staking is increasingly gathering momentum within the realm of DeFi. Its purpose is to enable delegators to retain their staked positions while actively seeking out optimal returns for their capital. The potential of liquid staking is substantial. With the context of Q4 2022 statistics, which saw $5.3 billion staked across 46 IBC-connected chains, maintaining an average bonded ratio of around 60%, there emerges a significant possibility to unleash $5 billion in liquidity.

Meet Quicksilver

Quicksilver is a permissionless and sovereign Cosmos SDK zone that introduces liquid staking to the Interchain ecosystem. Utilizing the Cosmos SDK, Quicksilver ensures Interchain Liquid Staking that scales across IBC-connected chains while preserving user governance rights, enhancing liquidity, capital efficiency, security, and decentralization. Users obtain qAsset vouchers via Quicksilver, reflecting their staked assets and usable in DeFi protocols. The protocol seamlessly expands to IBC-connected chains, allowing users to delegate and retain voting rights through Governance by Proxy. Quicksilver empowers users, offering a seamless experience while upholding security and decentralization.

Quicksilver x Sommelier

The SOMM token serves as the native currency of the Sommelier network, a Cosmos SDK-based proof-of-stake blockchain, playing a crucial role in ensuring security and operational integrity. It serves three core functions within the ecosystem: enabling staking for proof-of-stake consensus, covering gas fees for transactions, and facilitating protocol governance through proposal creation and voting. By staking SOMM, users enhance network security and earn rewards; utilizing SOMM for gas fees maintains operational efficiency, and participating in governance empowers holders to influence key protocol aspects. Overall, SOMM stands as an indispensable component fostering a decentralized, community-driven Sommelier network.

qSOMM, representing liquid staked SOMM within the innovative Quicksilver framework, offers a range of compelling advantages. This innovative token allows SOMM holders to maintain their staked positions while simultaneously tapping into the potential for higher yields through DeFi opportunities. By providing liquidity without sacrificing staking rewards, qSOMM empowers users to actively participate in various DeFi protocols and capitalize on emerging market trends. One of the first places users will be able to use their qSOMM is as a liquidity provider to the qSOMM-OSMO pool on Osmosis. Be on the lookout for additional opportunities as qSOMM gets integrated within the broader Cosmos DeFi ecosystem.

About Sommelier

Sommelier is an innovative asset management protocol whose mission is to make DeFi more accessible, profitable, and efficient for everyone. Our advanced technology built on the Cosmos SDK, enables intelligent vaults that can optimize portfolios, trade long-short, borrow-lend, and farm. Independent strategists can leverage the power of off-chain computation to bring algorithmic vaults on-chain, allowing vaults to dynamically adapt to market conditions and provide enhanced opportunities and risk mitigation to users. All vaults are enabled by audited smart contracts and controlled by protocol governance, ensuring transparency and security.


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